At the June 2018 Council Meeting, it was resolved that Council:

  1. Notes the outcomes of community consultation relating to the Bayside Biodiversity Action Plan 2018-27
  2. Adopts the Bayside Biodiversity Action Plan 2018-27, as set out in Attachment 1 with the following amendment: a) retains the existing dog off-leash areas at George Street Reserve;
  3. Authorises the Director Environment Recreation and Infrastructure to make the necessary administrative amendments to the Bayside Biodiversity Action Plan 2018-27;
  4. Rescinds the Bushland Strategy 2002, as set out in Attachment 6; and
  5. Rescinds the Ecological Burn and Post-Burn Bushland Management Policy 2011, as set out in Attachment 7.

The endorsed Biodiversity Action Plan is available here


Tell us what you think about the new Biodiversity Action Plan
